Building a better Hillcrest
The Hillcrest Community Foundation is a 501c3 organization that seeks to improve the neighborhood of Hillcrest through visioning, partnership building, fundraising, and public space activation.
Pride Plaza Paver Program.
The Hillcrest Community Foundation, in partnership with the City of San Diego and Hillcrest Business Association, is selling commemorative pavers in Pride Plaza beneath our beautiful Pride Flag as part of the Normal Street Promenade Fund. You can own a piece of history and contribute to the creation and maintenance of this beautiful new public space in San Diego. Paver sponsorship will range from $250 through $1,000 depending on location and date of purchase.
Project: Renovation of the Hillcrest Sign (Project Complete!)
Project update (2/21/23): The sign was restored and installed on the morning of February 21st. That night hundreds gathered to see the sign turn on! The restored sign was covered by all local TV news stations and received acclaim!
Media coverage:
Importance of Hillcrest Sign to Community (10News)
Hillcrest Sign makes a comeback (Fox 5)
Upgrades in store for the Hillcrest Sign (CBS8)
Hillcrest Sign relit After… (NBC7)
Project update (1/31/23): The Sign has been removed from the street by HBA contractors. The Hillcrest Sign was removed for long awaited repairs. The HCF is so very much appreciative of our supporters who have made this repair possible and look forward to seeing it returned in a couple of weeks.
We'd like to acknowledge FoundationForForm Architecture & Development, Rich's San Diego, Flicks, Crest Cafe, MO's Bar and Grill, Hillcrest Brewing Company, Baja Betty's, Gossip Grill, Barrel & Board, insideOUT, Bread and Cie, Hillcrest Ace Hardware, Carmel Partners, Mary McKenzie, Kyle Fiddelke, and the many many other people who donated through our Go Fund Me campaign. You can still donate here:
Help us renovate the sign: The Hillcrest sign is in need of repair and we need your help to renovate it. Over the past ten years, the signs components have degraded and though the HBA frequently repairs one letter at a time, the entire sign needs to be renovated. This renovation will cost over $50,000. The renovation will completely replace the letters within the sign and the internal components that have degraded over the last decade. The new letters will be color changing. That means that, for most of the time, the letters will be white but during celebrations and special times, the letters will be able to change colors to fit the moment. For example, we'd feature rainbow colors for Pride season and pink for breast cancer awareness month. It is our hope that this renovation will kick off a series of improvements on the 400 block of University Ave. that will begin the process of revitalizing the core of Hillcrest.
Platinum level donation of $10,000: This donor level will add your name at the top of one of the two recognition panels that we'll be installing on the legs of the flag. Your name will be featured on a 3”/5” panel on the northern leg of the sign.
Gold level donation of $5,000: This donor level will add your name to the recognition panels in a premium location among the other donors. Your name will be shared with another donor on a 3”/5” panel on the northern leg of the sign.
Silver level donation of $2,500: This donor level will add your name to the recognition panels in a premium location among the other donors. Your name will be shared with other donors on a 3”/5” panel on the northern leg of the sign.
Donate via Go Fund Me: Follow this link to donate in any amount you can.
Special thanks to Hillcrest Ace Hardware! The customers of Hillcrest Ace Hardware donated with their spare change and raised $2,351.84 to help with the renovation of the sign.
You can sponsor the renovation with your credit card, venmo (@Hillcrestbusinessassoc), or by simply sending a check to The Hillcrest Community Foundation. As part of your donation, please add a note that the donation is for the "2023 Hillcrest Sign Renovation".
Project: The Hillcrest Mural Fund
Murals have become an important part of the fabric of our neighborhood. They are creative and look beautiful, but they do cost money. Many folks have donated their time and money in the past to create a fabric of wonderful murals in Hillcrest including the HBA, AT&T, The Studio Door, and many local property owners. This will be a permanent fund to raise money to pay artists for their work, pay for paint and materials, and legal (or other) fees concerning intellectual property. The HCF encourages property owners to support creative murals on their buildings and contribute money to the Hillcrest Mural Fund. Property owners will not be paid to host murals.
Partners: Hillcrest Business Association, neighborhood property owners, & City of San Diego.
Project: The Normal Street Promenade
Part of SANDAG’s University Ave. bikeway project, this long planned neighborhood public space utilizes a wide street to create a bikeway, expanded Pride Plaza, parking reservoir, and pedestrian infrastructure. A fundraising tile program and go fund me campaign will soon be underway.
Partners: Hillcrest Business Association, Uptown Community Parking District, SANDAG, & City of San Diego.
The Hillcrest Community Foundation (HCF) is a private nonprofit. It is partner to the Hillcrest Business Association. Contributions to the HCF are segregated from the HBA. The HCF has an independent Board of Directors.
501C3 Letter // CA SOS certification // CA Attorney General Cert
SOS Statement of Information 2023 // 2024