HBA Structure

The HBA is a traditional nonprofit with a board of directors and various committees that oversee decision making for the organization. The flow-charts below summarize how the organization works.

Committee structure (October 2021)
Financial Structure (October 2021)
Staff Structure (October 2021)

Board Roster

The HBA holds an election every year to elect board members to manage the organization and represent the Hillcrest Business Community.

If you would like contact information for the HBA Board, please email info@hillcrestbia.org

*The HBA was recently a victim of a cyber attack. Our online records are in the process of being restored. Check back here for more records as we restore them.

**It is our intention to post as accurate information as possible, however, occasionally mistakes occur on this page. If you notice a discrepancy, please let us know and we’ll get it corrected as soon as we can.